Saturday, September 19, 2009


Last weekend and this, we have been working hard on the garage. I've mentioned before how everything just gets dumped in there over the years while we work on house projects. The corner between the big garage door and the small side door has now been insulated, sheet rocked, peg boarded and cupboarded ;) I spent the day going through all the junk and treasures in the middle of the garage and putting things in the cupboards. There were lots of things I would have thrown away but DSH wouldn't let me, sigh. We need to add more shelves in the cupboards (thanks Home depot) and we were short on the supports for the shelves we did have (thanks again, Home depot). We will be doing the same type of work on the opposite side of the garage which is a bigger space, so, it will continue...

On a sad note, my mother in law fell a week ago. The skilled nursing facility had x-rays taken but they found nothing. She has not gotten out of bed the past two days and says her "leg is dead". She doesn't complain of any pain. They want to x-ray again and MRI. If they find a fracture they are considering surgery. She has two slightly collapsed lungs that they aren't doing anything about but the doctor mentioned she might have pneumonia since she won't stop coughing. I can't imagine that they would do hip surgery on a 91 year old woman with possible pneumonia and two slightly collapsed lungs. But, I don't know. She keeps saying she is ready to go home to the Lord. I think she may be closer.

Christmas projects have also been started!

1 comment:

Armbruster Asylum said...

Interesting. If she does not get out of bed her pneumonia will worsen. Sounds like that is what she wants though. She has wanted it for a long time, yes? Sad.