Friday, May 21, 2010

Tendinitis and Bursitis

Today I went to physical therapy for my shoulder.  I have tendinitis and bursitis in my left shoulder from incorrectly using my left arm while working.  Shame one me.  It feels like I have an ice pick through my shoulder.  I have been taking a muscle relaxant for three nights which helped quite a bit.  I iced my shoulder once but since I was kind of dopey, I left the ice on too long and now my skin hurts too.  That feels just like a bad bruise.  Duh!  I'm on the mend now which is good.  It is amazing how cranky one gets when one is in constant pain, 24/7!  I'm so glad I have lots of help at home. Thanks DSH and DSSD!  I had lots of offers from other family members and friends but with two live-in helpers, it wasn't really necessary for all the troops to jump in.  My shoulder is taped up to limit movement which feels very good.  Hopefully, life will be back to normal soon!


Judy said...

Ouch. I wish I had been by sooner to know what pain you have been in. I remember tendinitis and bursitis. Shoulders are tough! We don't think about how much we use them until they hurt. I hope you are already on the mend...

Thank you for stopping by my o so neglected blog. oxo

Judy said...

Still not feeling well? Missing you.

Brenda said...

Thank you Judy! I actually have been feeling well and that is the problem! I've been doing everything but blogging. So much for my plan to blog once a week.