Saturday, July 9, 2011

Too Much Air??

I think there is too much air at the top of each jar.  I think all of these will be used to make cobbler so any bacteria growing in there will be killed!


Catherine said...

Cobbler sounds good to me! Hope you have a beautiful day!

Judy said...

Do you have a Ball's Blue Book of Canning? It is a wonderful canning "how-to" source. I depend on mine...

The apricots are such a beautiful color. As for the bacteria...if the jars were processed long enough and sealed properly there should be nothing to worry about.

Did you hear the muscial "pop, pop, pop" as the jars cooled?

You asked if I would share my pickle recipe...I will post two, a dill and a sweet, sometime in the coming week. I emailed you but it was returned undelivered.


Judy said...

Hey Brenda, I posted the sweet pickle recipe I use this morning before heading out to church. If you make them, let me know how it goes. Our family loves these little crisply slices. Sometime soon I will post the dill pickle recipe I use. They are extremely good, too. oxo

OPCCook said...

Brenda, I posted an answer to your question at the blog and also sent you an email. Your jars are very pretty!

BTW, I noticed that you said that you are a dental hygienist. I would LOVE your comments on It's entitled, "A Root Canal Has Nothing To Do With Panama" I think you'll get a chuckle and may relate. Keep up the canning!!

Judy said...

Stopping by to see what you are up what's going on with you these days? oxo Judy